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Инферно - Inferno. Джеддит - Jeddite.  Герой-маг. Впервые
 его можно было встретить, как нанимаемого героя Темницы в Heroes III. В
 Heroes IV стал членом фракции Хаос. В Асхане он продолжил традицию 
служению хаосу.   Biography  Jeddite was a powerful Wizard with an affinity for
 Fire Magic. His love for all things burning grew to become an 
obsession, to the point where the other Wizards began to think of him as
 dangerous. It wasn't long before Jeddite became a servant of Abaddon, 
the Demon Prince of Destruction. One day, while staring at the fire 
consuming his master's tower (with his master still inside it), Jeddite 
was beset by a vision of a Knight in fiery armour. This man presented 
himself as Kha-Beleth, the Prince without a throne, and said he had 
plans for the fallen Wizard. Kha-Beleth removed Jeddite from the path of
 mindless Destruction, moulding him into a harbinger for greater goals. 
Some say on this occasion Jeddite saw what was hidden under Kha-Beleth's
 helmet, but he has always refused to comment on this rumour. He is now 
building a secret society of Chaos-worshippers within the Seven Cities.  Legacy  Jeddite
 first appeared in Heroes 3 as a recruitable Hero of the Dungeon 
faction. In Heroes 4, he was a member of the Asylum/Chaos faction. The 
Ashan version of the character kept this allegiance to the powers of 

Инферно - Inferno. Джеддит - Jeddite.
Впервые его можно было встретить, как нанимаемого героя Темницы в Heroes III. В Heroes IV стал членом фракции Хаос. В Асхане он продолжил традицию служению хаосу.

Jeddite was a powerful Wizard with an affinity for Fire Magic. His love for all things burning grew to become an obsession, to the point where the other Wizards began to think of him as dangerous. It wasn't long before Jeddite became a servant of Abaddon, the Demon Prince of Destruction. One day, while staring at the fire consuming his master's tower (with his master still inside it), Jeddite was beset by a vision of a Knight in fiery armour. This man presented himself as Kha-Beleth, the Prince without a throne, and said he had plans for the fallen Wizard. Kha-Beleth removed Jeddite from the path of mindless Destruction, moulding him into a harbinger for greater goals. Some say on this occasion Jeddite saw what was hidden under Kha-Beleth's helmet, but he has always refused to comment on this rumour. He is now building a secret society of Chaos-worshippers within the Seven Cities.


Jeddite first appeared in Heroes 3 as a recruitable Hero of the Dungeon faction. In Heroes 4, he was a member of the Asylum/Chaos faction. The Ashan version of the character kept this allegiance to the powers of Chaos.

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